feathernscale bella bambola (“Bella”)

Bella was a doeling I had planned on keeping because I love the breeding that produced her. When I had to let her go due to circumstances, I was bummed. So thrilled that a good friend saw fit to give me the opportunity to have her back.
Bella freshened with a really lovely udder that’s been a pleasure to milk. Once she was clipped up, it was easy to see her maturing into a lovely doe. Bella is still fairly wary of me, but I continue to work on our relationship, as I see a big future for her in my herd.
Markings/Colorings: Black with white roaning (polled)
Date of Birth: 1/28/2021
SS: Cedar View Romeo
Sire: Amethyst Acres R Giovanni
SD: Sugar Moon RB Gianna
DS: *B NC PromisedLand Ram-Beau*S
Dam: SG 3*M AR Sugar Moon Dolly Madison
DD: 2*M AR Old Mountain Farm Eleanor RW 2*D AR 239
Littermates: FeatherNScale Doll Face
Linear Appraisal:
ADGA Pedigree
Kidding History:
Registered Progeny: